Tips to Save Energy

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

It can be very frustrating when you’re having a bad day and there seems like so many things to do. Here are some tips you can integrate into your daily routines to help pace yourself and save energy.

  1. Organize your day to ensure you don’t over extend yourself.

    I try to always plan out my day as best I can. Some tools to help with this are lists, agendas and calendars. Obviously this doesn't always work cause things change and my body doesn't always cooperate the way I'd hoped! If you can make sure you don't have too many "big energy spenders" booked in a day, it helps set you up for success.

  2. Balance activity and rest.

    Part of organizing your day is planning for rest breaks when you need them. This looks different for everyone depending on your stamina! Be gentle with yourselves. For me, scheduling in rest helps me not feel guilty because I still see it as productive time where I'm giving my body what it needs by taking a physical or cognitive break. Sometimes you have to throw them in when you don't plan them too but that is o.k. and my best advice would be to listen to your body. Rest break ideas can look like naps, meditation breaks, gentle exercise or listening to music at your work desk.

  3. Use good posture to avoid working harder than you have to.

    This one seems straight forward but when you’re doing a simple task like cutting vegetables or making a sandwich and you use a high counter instead of a table which might be lower and better for you ergonomically it can actually make a huge difference. This is very dependent on what’s comfortable and what works for you!

  4. Set up your space for efficiency

    Try and position the things you need close to you so that you don’t have to bend, reach or walk more than needed to get the things you need. Making sure you have a comfortable work space that is accessible for you is key.


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