8 Tips for Improving Your Sleep

Sleep is an important part of life- the average person spends approximately 33% of their life sleeping! People living with fatigue can spend even more time in the day sleeping however quality of sleep can sometime compromise how restful it is. One way that we can improve the quality of sleep is through good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene consists of three main factors: your daily activity, nighttime routine, and your sleeping environment. Changes to these parts of your day can help enhance the overall quality of sleep you receive. Here are several key tips for a better night’s sleep:

  1.   Try to get outside and be active throughout the day- time spent outdoors in the sunlight and regular physical activity can both improve sleep

  2. If you need to nap during the day, try to keep it short. Long naps can interfere with regular sleep at night.

  3. Refrain from eating large meals and consuming caffeine and alcohol in the evening

  4. Avoid using electronics for 30 minutes to one hour before you plan to sleep

  5. Take some time to wind down before bed- for about 30 minutes before you plan to sleep do some relaxing (e.g., stretching, doing a craft, reading, meditation) in a lower light setting

  6. Try to set a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it! Setting a bedtime and morning alarm that is the same each day will help your body adjust to a consistent sleep cycle. As a result, your body will anticipate and know when to prepare to fall asleep and wake up.

  7. Avoid working or watching TV in bed-  help your brain make the connection between being in bed and sleeping. To maintain this connection when you are having trouble falling asleep, try to get out of bed to a chair for example, and continue a wind down activity before trying to get into bed to sleep again.

  8. A comfortable bed and a dark, quiet room can reduce interruptions to your sleep.

All of these changes may sound overwhelming at first, but even small, gradual adjustments to your sleep hygiene can improve your sleep quality. Sweet dreams! 😉


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